How to Make Google Talk

How to Make Google Talk to Google Assistant

How to make Google talk to Google Assistant can be done easily.

In addition to being smart and sophisticated, we can also chat and joke with Google Assistant. So we really feel like we have a friend and a smart assistant. In fact, we often get very funny answers from this assistant.

How to use Google Assistant is quite easy, because it can be customized using Indonesian. So you just give commands in Indonesian and the assistant will carry them out.

Google Assistant is very friendly when we talk to it. You can ask personal questions. For example, “Do you have a boyfriend?”, “Are you married?”, you can even ask to sing a song.

What sometimes makes us laugh out loud, the assistant’s answers are really funny. For example, when we ask the question “Are you married?”, he will answer “I’m not married because I’m focusing on my job right now” or he answers “I’m married to my profession”. Furthermore, if we ask “Why don’t you have children?”, he will answer “I’m not ready to be a parent right now”. Very funny, right?

And the assistant’s answer will change even if we ask the same question. This is thanks to the application of Artificial Intelligence, so that it can really think like a human.

Because it carries an artificial intelligence system, it can perform quite complex tasks. So if we compare it to its predecessor, Google Now, Google Assistant is much better.

This digital assistant can have two-way conversations, just like we ask and answer questions with a human. Cool, right?

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How to Make Google Talk to Google Assistant

Below are the steps and stages on how to activate Google Assistant on an Android phone, namely:

  1. First of all, you have to download Google Assistant on the Play Store.
  2. Then install
  3. After the installation process is complete, press and hold the “Home” button on your smartphone for a few moments.
  4. Then press “CONTINUE” from the “The new way to talk to Google” page.
  5. Then select “I AGREE” or “NO THANKS”. This is to set whether you will use voice commands directly or not.
  6. If you select “NO THANK” then you cannot perform voice commands if the Google Assistant application is not yet active.
  7. Meanwhile, if you select “I AGREE” then you can use Google Assistant by saying “Hey Google” or “OK ​​Google”.
  8. The next step is that you just follow the instructions from the option you choose.

After the entire activation process is complete, you can use the digital assistant. In general, just press the “Home” button for a few moments.

However, for those of you who turn on Voice Match like step 7 above, then just use voice commands when you want to use it.


Easy Way to Set Google Assistant to Indonesian

In addition to using English, this digital assistant also supports languages ​​from various countries in the world, including Indonesian.

Here’s how to set Google Assistant to Indonesian:

  1. First, open Google Assistant
  2. Then swipe up so that the page can appear in full
  3. Then select the profile button located in the upper right corner
  4. Next, select “Settings”
  5. Then go to the Assistant tab
  6. Then select “Languages”
  7. Then tap on “English” (if the default language is English) or another language (if the default is another language/not English)
  8. Next, select Indonesian or another language that you want to use
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Thus our review this time about how to make Google talk. Hopefully useful for all loyal readers of Brio99 News. Good luck!

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