Get to Know the Latest and Most Dangerous WhatsApp Fraud Modes

Get to Know the Latest and Most Dangerous WhatsApp Fraud Modes

WhatsApp fraud has recently become increasingly rampant and very disturbing. The types and modes of crime on WhatsApp are also increasingly varied.

With the increasing number of WA users in Indonesia, fraud via SMS or short messages has begun to decrease, but criminal acts with the mode of fraud via the WhatsApp application are increasing.

Based on data released by the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN). In the period from January to August 2024, there were 190 million cases of cyber attacks.

The motives and modes of operation also vary. Starting from winning a quiz, reporting that there is a family member in the hospital, or claiming to be a bank officer. In fact, there are also those who directly ask for money.

The perpetrators of fraudulent crimes on WA are very adept at tricking their potential victims. For example, he suddenly pretends to be familiar and familiar. In fact, his way of speaking is polite and smooth, always trying to convince with sweet words, and so on.

So that you don’t become the next victim of fraud via WhatsApp, it would be good if you know the characteristics and various forms of crime on WA. The modes include the following:


Fraud Mode Under the Guise of Prizes or Giveaways

The most common type of fraud is under the guise of prizes or giveaways. Usually, the perpetrator will use a profile photo of a well-known product or company brand. Then, inform you that you are one of the winners who are entitled to a prize.

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However, to get the prize, the potential victim will be asked to enter the company’s website. The website is of course fake, but uses a domain name that is made similar to the company’s original official website.

Therefore, you really have to be careful, look carefully at the domain name of the fraudster’s website letter by letter, for example, the original official website belonging to Telkomsel is, the perpetrator could use the website name (there are two l’s), or (domain extension using dot info), and other very similar domain names.


Fraud Using WhatsApp Under the Guise of Asking for Help

The modus operandi of fraud via WhatsApp under the guise of asking for help has been quite rampant lately.

Usually the perpetrator uses the biodata and profile photo of someone you know. Then the fraudster will send a message as if your friend asked you to borrow some money under various pretexts.


Fraud Claiming to be Indomaret & Alfamart Cashiers

Some time ago, a way to cheat using WhatsApp that went viral on various social media was fraud by claiming to be the cashier of the two minimarkets.

In order to be trusted by potential victims, the perpetrators usually use fake profile pictures. For example, a photo of someone wearing an official Indomaret or Alfamart uniform (this photo was most likely obtained from the Internet).

The WhatsApp fraud mode claiming to be a minimarket cashier will begin by sending an SMS or short message to your cellphone number in Thai.

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Next, the criminal sends a message via WA as if there was an error in sending the game voucher.

Then, the perpetrator will ask the potential victim to resend a 6-digit code. The code was previously sent via SMS using Thai.

If you experience a case like this, stay alert and don’t be fooled. Because, the code sent is actually an OTP code to take over your WA account. If you give the code, the WhatsApp account will be taken over to be misused by the perpetrator.


Fraud Mode Under the Guise of Government Aid Funds

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused economic hardship for most Indonesians. And this is also exploited by criminals to deceive potential victims.

In recent days, there have been quite a lot of fraudulent chats via WA by sharing pre-employment card links or social assistance.

People who are experiencing financial difficulties will generally be easily fooled and follow whatever the fraudster orders.

There are many modes of operation of crimes under the guise of government assistance. This fraud is usually carried out by the perpetrator sending a link to the WhatsApp of the prospective target.

What often happens is using the url (domain using the dot vip extension). After entering the website, the prospective victim will be asked to enter personal data. Such as age, address, occupation, and Population Identification Number (NIK)

If your personal data has been entered, then you have been trapped by the fraud. Because, the data will be misused by the perpetrator.

Don’t be fooled and become a victim of this fraud. You need to know that the official pre-employment card website is and NOT or others.

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Thus our article this time about the latest WhatsApp fraud mode that is very dangerous. Hopefully useful for all loyal readers of Brio99 News. Thank you.

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