4 How to Whiten Acne Scars on the Face Quickly and Easily

4 How to Whiten Acne Scars on the Face Quickly and Easily

How to whiten acne scars on the face using natural ingredients can be done easily. In fact, this way to remove acne and whiten the face naturally can also be done quickly. In just 1 night or 1 day.

For both men and women, the face is one of the most noticed body parts. Especially for women, they will do various ways to get radiant white facial skin. In fact, women are willing to spend more money to do facial treatments at beauty salons.

Not only for women, acne problems in men also occur a lot. In fact, the emergence of acne in men can reduce their self-confidence.

The problems surrounding acne-prone facial skin are very complex, for example, acne-prone faces that never heal. And after acne is successfully treated, new problems can arise such as black spots from acne that are difficult to remove.

Black spots from acne can appear on several parts of the face, such as the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or forehead. The emergence of black spots due to acne will certainly be very disturbing to your appearance.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss how to remove black spots from acne scars naturally and quickly.


How to Whiten Your Face and Remove Acne Scars Naturally and Quickly

Below we will convey 4 ways to remove acne scars and brighten your face naturally and quickly. Let’s see together.

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1. Whitening the Face and Removing Acne Scars with Jicama

It is undeniable that Jicama fruit is very effective for skin care from the past to the present.

In addition to being useful for brightening facial skin,Jicama masks are also effective for treating black acne scars.

This is because Jicama contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta-carotene compounds which are useful for antioxidants.

Here’s how to make a natural face mask from Jicama:

  • The first step, puree the Jicama fruit first (you can use a grater or blender)
  • Use for a face mask
  • Then let stand for about 15 minutes
  • Then rinse thoroughly
  • To get maximum results, use this Jicama mask regularly


2. Remove Acne Scars with Lemon

In addition to being refreshing when eaten, lemons also have properties to overcome various skin problems.

The natural alpha hydroxy acid content in lemons is very effective in removing stubborn black acne scars.

In addition, lemons are also useful for helping the process of revitalizing and healing the skin.

Here are some tips for removing acne scars with lemon:

  • Cut the lemon into two parts
  • Then squeeze to get the juice
  • Then apply the lemon juice to the acne scars
  • Let it dry
  • Then rinse with water until clean
  • To get the best results, do it routinely every 2-3 days


3. How to Treat Acne Scars with Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, lycopene, saponins, solanine, and vitamin C, making them very effective as a natural remedy for removing acne and acne scars.

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Here are some easy ways to remove acne scars with tomatoes:

  • Cut the tomatoes into thin slices
  • Then apply the slices to your entire face
  • Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Then rinse thoroughly


4. Remove and Whiten Acne Scars with Cucumber

The next way to deal with acne scars and whiten your face is to use cucumber.

The vitamin A and C content in cucumbers is very beneficial for the skin.

In addition to having lots of vitamins, cucumbers also contain potassium, magnesium, and minerals.

Well, the content in cucumbers is very useful for brightening dull acne-scarred faces.

Here’s how to remove acne scars with cucumber:

  • Cut the cucumber into thin slices
  • Stick the slices on the acne scars
  • Leave for about 30 minutes
  • Then rinse thoroughly
  • For good results, do this treatment twice a week


So, those are some ways to whiten your face and remove acne scars naturally and quickly. Hopefully, our article this time can provide benefits for all loyal readers of Brio99 News. Good luck and thank you!

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